In Colombia, it is not uncommon to hear about political jam, but there is a time, when it seems like the daily bread: yes, we are talking about election time.
How could we talk about the other jam, that of cookies, to a country that is harassed during each election period with the false promises of the politicians in office?
We would give back to the word jam its true meaning and we would go out to the streets and digital spaces to hand out jam, but the good kind, the one from San Jorge.
We started in X. We had 17 tweeters generating conversation around #MermeladaDeLaBuena and #SanJorge, they shared recipes to better pass the election season and invited others to tell theirs and, while that happened, in the street, 5 content creators massified the brand's initiative: they showed how to literally hand out good jam and the results confirmed that people understood us.